Dashboard JSON

The dashboard JSON shows the average of data sets of every station, which is not older than 10 minutes.

All data from the dashboard are available as JSON data from the URL , https://weather.berndp.de/dashboard.php?json=1. The former URL index.php?json=1 is running in legacy mode and will be turned off in futures releases!

Some parameters are for compatibility or legacy mode only.


Parameter Type Format # Description
datetime string yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Datetime string of data's reading time
temperature float 1.26 Temperature in °C
humidity int 80 Humidity in %
pressure int 950 Air pressure in hPa
battery float 3.125 Legacy Avg. station battery voltage
wind float 5.12 Wind speed in m/s. Use wind * 3.6 for speed in km/h
brightness int 125 Brightness in lx
radiation null null Legacy Radiation in uSv
dewpoint float 4.2 Calculated dew point, if station has temperature and humidity sensor
sunrise string "08:06:30" Time of sunrise in HH:mm:ss
sunset string 16:11:29 Time of sunset in HH:mm:ss
moon_phase string Waning Crescent Moon phase as string
moon_age int 10 0: Full, 1: Waning Gibbous, 2: Third Quarter, 3: Waning Crescent, 4: New, 5: Waxing Crescent, 6: First Quarter, 7: Waxing Gibbous


  "datetime": "2023-12-08 23:21:11",
  "temperature": 1.53,
  "humidity": 99,
  "pressure": 956,
  "battery": 3.893,
  "wind": 5.78,
  "brightness": 0,
  "radiation": null,
  "dewpoint": 4.2,
  "moon_phase": "Waning Crescent",
  "moon_age": 10,
  "sunrise": "08:06:30", 
  "sunset": "16:11:29"

Station JSON

The station JSON shows the last reading of the station. Update intervall is typically 5 minutes. Stations with data oder 30 minutes should be handled as offline.

All data from the dashboard are available as JSON data from the URL , https://weather.berndp.de/stationDetails.php?station=eui-70b3d57ed0054c1f where the station ID should match your desired station. The former URL stations.php?station=... is running in legacy mode and will be turned off in futures releases!

The best way to retrieve your station ID and / or the JSON URL is to click on the detail view on the station page and select "View JSON"

Some parameters are for compatibility or legacy mode only. Parameters marked with LORA oOnly can be null on web based stations


Parameter Type Format # Description
id int 499633 Unique ID of reading, autoincrement
datetime string yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Datetime string of data's reading time
app_id string weatherdata-web Shows if device sends data oder LORA or WEB
dev_id string 92c31fadba2d349c Unique device ID
dev_name string Flowerstreet South West Readable device name
ttn_timestamp string 2023-12-08T22:32:11.841080143Z LORA only Show the time when the webhook of thethingsnetwork was triggered
gtw_id string WEB Show the gateway which received the data
gtw_rssi int -61 LORA only Shows the reveicer signal strength indicator in dBm
gtw_snr float 4.3 LORA only Shows signal noise ratio in dB
dev_raw_payload string AOEAZAABdf8OwgAA LORA only Undecrypted LORA payload
dev_temperature float 1.26 Temperature in °C if station has a temperature sensor
dev_humidity int 80 Humidity in % if station has a humidity sensor
dev_pressure int 950 Air pressure in hPa if station has a air pressure sensor
dev_battery float 3.125 LORA only Station battery voltage if station is battery powered
dev_wind float 5.12 Wind speed in m/s. Use wind * 3.6 for speed in km/h, if station has a wind sensor
dev_brightness int 125 Brightness in lx, if station has a brightness sensor
dev_rain int 4 Rain in ml for the last hour
dev_radiation null null Legacy Radiation in uSv, if station has a radiation sensor
dev_forecast_number int 18 Int of position of forecast: 0=>"Settled fine", 1=>"Fine weather", 2=>"Becoming fine", 3=>"Fine, 4=>becoming less settled", 5=>"Fine, possible showers", 6=>"Fairly fine, improving", 7=>"Fairly fine, possible showers early", 8=>"Fairly fine, showery later", 9=>"Showery early, improving", 10=>"Changeable, mending", 11=>"Fairly fine, showers likely", 12=>"Rather unsettled clearing later", 13=>"Unsettled, probably improving", 14=>"Showery, bright intervals", 15=>"Showery, becoming less settled", 16=>"Changeable, some rain", 17=>"Unsettled, short fine intervals", 18=>"Unsettled, rain later", 19=>"Unsettled, some rain", 20=>"Mostly very unsettled", 21=>"Occasional rain, worsening", 22=>"Rain at times, very unsettled", 23=>"Rain at frequent intervals", 24=>"Rain, very unsettled", 25=>"Stormy, may improve", 26=>"Stormy, much rain"
dev_forecast_text Readable weather forecast based on Zambretti algorythm
date_readable string dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss Better readable time format of last reading
dev_battery_level int 54 LORA only Estimated battery level in %
dev_online bool true true if last received date is not older than 30 minutes
dev_dewpoint float 4.2 Calculated dew point, if station has temperature and humidity sensor


  "id": "499633",
  "datetime": "2023-12-04 22:13:50",
  "app_id": "weatherdata-web",
  "dev_id": "92c31fadba2d349c",
  "ttn_timestamp": "",
  "gtw_id": "WEB",
  "gtw_rssi": null,
  "gtw_snr": null,
  "dev_raw_payload": "",
  "dev_temperature": -1.9,
  "dev_humidity": null,
  "dev_pressure": null,
  "dev_battery": null,
  "dev_wind": 5.2,
  "dev_brightness": 0,
  "dev_rain": 4,
  "dev_radiation": null,
  "dev_name": "Flowerstreet South West",
  "date_readable": "04.12.2023 22:13:50",
  "dev_battery_level": null,
  "dev_forecast_number": 18,
  "dev_forecast_text": "Settled fine",
  "dev_online": false,
  "dev_dewpoint": 4.2

Station Graph CSV Export

The data from the graph page of a station can be exported as CSV file.

The data can be downloaded by URL, https://weather.berndp.de/export.php?station=eui-70b3d57ed0054c1f&scale=8 where the station ID should match your desired station and scale indicates the time in hours for the exported data.

Only the mostly used readings are exported! If a station does not have a specific sensor, the CSV cell will be empty.

CSV File

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Time of reading in dd.mm.yy HH:mm:ss Temperature in °C Humidity in % Air pressure in hPa Battery voltage


"10.12.23 20:36:39";3.15;94;954.02;4.028
"10.12.23 20:26:36";3.13;95;954.05;4.028
"10.12.23 20:21:34";3.11;95;953.97;4.028
"10.12.23 20:16:32";3.08;95;953.78;4.028